In June 1898 Emperor Guang-xu decided to carry out reform all over --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the country. Because the reform movement occurred in the year of ¡Wu-Xu¡ --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- in the lunar calender, it was also known as ¡the Wu-Xu Reform.¡ In Sept., --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 1898, the reform movement was disrupted by a group of die-hards headed --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- by Empress Dowager Ci-xi who had the actual power in the Qing court. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Tan Si-tong was one of the main advocates of reform. He gave up the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- opportunity to flee China and was prepared to be the first martyr in the cause --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- of reform in modern Chinese history. By doing so he intended to awaken --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- those people insensitive to reform. His death, however, encouraged greatly --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- other reformists to seek a new way for China¡s prosperity.